Social Responsibility Projects
Hızıroğlu Foundation
Establishment: 20.12.1989Hızıroğlu Foundation was founded in 1989 under the leadership of Mr. Faik HIZIROĞLU.
During the last 25 years the foundation has provided scholarship to 2500 successful high school and university students who have financial difficulties ,and keeps on supporting education life of students. The foundation has received "Tax Exemption" in 1997.
Also within 25 years, Hızıroğlu Foundation constructed two dormitories for Ankara METU, and Erciyes University, one elementary school in Pursaklar district in which Selnikel factory is located, and one polyclinic so as to donate relevant municipality.
Hızıroğlu foundation is still going its current activities in order to support students for their educational needs within its resources. At the same time the foundation ensure scholarship to talented young people by Turkish Education Association, and continues to provide internship opportunity to successful students who applied for internship at Selnikel.
Certificate of Tax Exemption: (view)
Faik Hızıroğlu Dormitory
ODTÜ - Ankara1994 yılında tüm tefrişi ile birlikte Hızıroğlu Vakfı tarafından yapılarak ODTÜ’ye bağışlanmıştır. 2.500m2 büyüklüğündeki konukevi 185 kişi kapasiteli olup odalardan 45 adedi 4 kişilik, 1 adedi 5 kişiliktir.
Odalar merkezi ısıtmalı, sınırsız ve ücretsiz internet bağlantılı olup her odada santral bağlantılı telefon vardır. Her katta 1 adet tam donanımlı mutfak, çalışma salonu, duşlar ve tuvaletler bulunmakta olup her oda içerisinde mini buzdolabı bulunmaktadır.
Alt katta ise 1 adet çizim salonu, TV-salonu, 1 çamaşır odası ile 1 adet ütü ve kurutma odası bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca zemin katta öğrencilerin yiyecek ihtiyaçlarını karşılayabilecekleri bir kantin mevcuttur.
URL:METU Dormitory DirectorateHızıroğlu Mansion
Erciyes Universty - KayseriOn the date of 04/08/2000, The construction was started with the participation of 9th President of Turkey Mr. Süleyman Demirel with the groundbreaking ceremony.
On the same day, our founder Mr. Faik Hızıroğlu was given an honorary doctorate and thanked for his services.
In 2001 Hızıroğlu mansion was completed and donated to Erciyes University, delivered to the Rector of the time Mr. Zeki Yılmaz.
Serving many years in the university, Hızıroğlu mansion is still active. Hızıroğlu mansion name was changed later on by the university as Hızıroğlu Practice Hotel.
URL: Hızıroğlu Application HotelFaik Hızıroğlu Elementary School
Pursaklar - AnkaraWithin the scope of 100% education support project, elementary school building with 8 class rooms in the description of a protocol signed on June 10, 2005 between our founder Mr.Faik Hızıroğlu and the governor at the time Mr. Kemal Önal. The construction was completed in the same year.
Ankara governor Faik Hızıroğlu Elementary School and Hızıroğlu Foundation has become sister institutions with sister institution project protocol signed again.
Sister Institution Obligations; Contribute all kinds of maintenance, repair, equipment, and learning needs of students. Support to educational technology. Provide cash and material assistance to successful students who are in financial difficulties. Support to any event.
URL: HIZIROĞLU Elementary SchoolHızıroğlu Policlinic
Pursaklar - AnkaraIn 1999 Selnikel plant is located in Pursaklar district, Our founder Mr.Faik Hızıroğlu realised that there was a lack of health care provider, and contacted with the regional municipality for the beginning of the construction of Hızıroğlu Policlinic. After that a full fledged clinic was donated to Pursaklar municipality.
Hızıroğlu policlinic building's architecture was designed with a specific design as an "H" shape at the bird's eye view and constructed in the same way.
URL: Pursaklar Municipality